Where do I go to register or change a meeting?
First, you must be logged in. You can do that under “Members” in the Menu. Then, go to “Resources” in the Menu. Click on “For Members”. There you will find a variety of pages including “Make Meeting Changes” and “Register a New Meeting”
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Why can’t I log in?
If you have changed positions, such as GR to DR the website might be automatically be signing you in with your old information. You need to log out and log back in with your new user name and password. This might happen more than once.
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Why can’t I see the Washington Wanderings Newsletter in the menu/
You need to be logged in. It is only visible to members.
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Where is my Alateen Meeting?
There are two pages to the list. Either search for the meeting in the search box, or if you scroll down and get to the bottom of the page without seeing it, scroll back up to the top and go to page 2.
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What is the Dashboard?
When you are logged in as a DR there is a little dial in the top left hand corner. Click on that and a drop down menu will appear.
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