Al-Anon is a fellowship of people that come together for help, because their loved one’s drinking is affecting them. It’s often difficult to see someone we care for spiral into addiction. We feel hurt, angry, punitive, sad, and altogether lost in trying to help them quit. We have possibly done inappropriate actions, and then try to justify our behaviors by thinking we will stop our loved one’s drinking.
Those feelings and actions can even stick around after our loved one stops drinking. This is why we believe alcoholism and addictions are a family illness.
It is sometimes our own attitudes and actions that need to be questioned and changed. This is where we have some control. There are few others that can understand our difficulties and hardships. But those in Al-Anon do understand. We, too, have been there. You will find help, support, and freedom from this family illness.
Loved ones can include:
- Spouses
- Siblings
- Children or Grandchildren
- Parents or Grandparents
- Friends
If you’re interested in seeing if Al-Anon is right for you, Find a Meeting close to you.
If you still need more info, feel free to ask questions HERE.